Negotiators Change Internet Governance Text |
![]() Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:45:49 -0600
Negotiators seeking to avert a U.S.-EU showdown at this week's U.N. summit on the information society watered down language on the Internet's governance in talks Tuesday.
U.S. officials considered the vague language a signal that world
"We're waiting until they pass something we can accept," said
Diplomats are eager to reach agreement before Wednesday's start of the
The summit was originally conceived to address the digital divide --
Instead, it has centered largely around Internet governance: oversight
That job is handled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Since the latest round of talks began Sunday, the specific wording of
"We're two-thirds of our way to a good compromise," EU spokesman
The EU has been mediating between the United States and a group of
Washington set a course for confrontation when it declared in June
The EU responded in September by insisting that some sort of new
Already, rights watchdogs say, both Tunisian and foreign reporters on
Civil groups also accused the government Tuesday of blocking access
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Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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