Libya Puts Blogger in Prison |
![]() Fri, 4 Nov 2005 11:05:43 -0600
By JASPER MORTIMER, Associated Press Writer
Libya has sent to prison for 18 months a blogger who criticized the
A Tripoli court convicted Abdel Raziq al-Mansuri of illegal possession
"The gun charges are a ruse," said the Middle Eastern director of HRW,
Al-Mansuri, 52, was detained in Tobruk, his hometown, in January after
Libyan government officials were not available for comment Friday as
The rights group, who visited al-Mansuri in Tripoli's Abu Selim prison
"Such outspoken criticism is rare in Libya," said Human Rights Watch.
The letter said the authorities had asked family members to denounce
"If defending the right to free speech, and asking for basic human
The letter added that in sentencing al-Mansuri, the court had refused
The rights group said that after detaining al-Mansuri, Libyan security
The group reported the head of the Internal Security Agency,
"He was arrested because he had a gun without a license," the group
Asked why the Internal Security Agency was detaining al-Mansuri
On Friday, the Web site carried numerous
"With his courage and truthful words, Abdel Raziq managed to break the
The site itself said he had been arrested for writing articles that
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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