Hollywood Offers to Cut a Deal With Grandpa Getting Sued |
![]() Fri, 4 Nov 2005 11:07:51 -0600
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: You may recall our main story in yesterday's issue of the Digest was about a man being sued on account of some movies downloaded onto computer by his 12-year old grandson. The stink got pretty awful, so MPAA contacted grandpa on the phone late Wednesday and offered what they termed a 'generous offer'. PAT]
A man sued by the film industry after his teen grandson downloaded
The Motion Picture Association of America filed a federal lawsuit
An attorney for the Motion Picture Association of America called Lawrence
The MPAA said it would let Lawrence pay the amount in monthly payments
The deal is about the same one offered Lawrence in March, which he
"I don't want to sound like a smart aleck, but $4,000 might as well be
Lawrence, a former employee of Snap-on Inc. and seasonal worker for
Lawrence said he didn't even know what file sharing was.
Lawrence was one of several people the MPAA contacted this year who
A message left at the association Friday by The Associated Press was
Information from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, http://www.jsonline.com
Copyright 2005 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. |
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