Grandpa Gets Sued Over Grandson's Downloads From Net |
![]() Wed, 2 Nov 2005 20:02:21 -0600
A 67-year-old man who says he doesn't even like watching movies has been sued by the film industry for copyright infringement after a grandson of his downloaded four movies on the family computer.
The Motion Picture Association of America filed a federal lawsuit
The suit was filed after Lawrence refused a March offer to settle the
"First of all, like I say, I guess I'd have to plead being naive about
"I personally didn't do it, and I wouldn't do it. But I don't think it
Lawrence said his grandson, who was then 12, downloaded "The
The Racine man said his grandson downloaded the movies out of
"I can see where they wouldn't want this to happen, but when you get
Kori Bernards, vice president of corporate communications for MPAA,
"Basically what you are doing when you use peer-to-peer software is
Illegal downloading costs the movie industry an estimated $5.4 billion a
Information from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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