Bertelsmann to Launch File-Sharing Service |
![]() Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:31:19 -0500
By MATT MOORE, AP Business Writer
Bertelsmann AG said Friday it will launch a new service that uses the
The service, dubbed GNAB, or "bang" in reverse, is set to be used in
Unlike Bertelsmann's previous foray with the original Napster -- which
"Most of it is ready," said a Gernot Wolf, a spokesman for Arvato AG,
Unlike other file-sharing programs, Arvato said, GNAB will be licensed
"We are a service provider and we present the idea and technique of
The decentralized nature of GNAB's technology makes it feasible for
"In addition, we can offer our customers and all users of the platform
Arvato has agreements lined up with several labels, particularly Sony
The service comes amid heightened competition by other companies,
Just this month, iTunes began offering downloads of music videos,
File-sharing networks that use peer-to-peer sharing have drawn fire
In a bid to stem such losses, several have cut their own deals with
According to Arvato's Web site, GNAB adds features that ensure
Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
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