Peter N. Spotts,
This "Life beyond Earth?" is yet another very nicely composed article.
However, I've also noticed as to how nicely you've avoided the nearest
of such orbs as having been perfectly good for another chapter or two
within your "Life beyond Earth" topic, that are by far the most
humanly accessible and should perhaps remain as keen interest to
humanity for less than a penny on the dollar.
Not that most folks these days have been all that media focused but
perhaps you'd be, in the potential of such other life that's highly
ETI worthy about Venus or, perhaps closest to home being that of our
own DNA/RNA and thus microbe worthy aspects as to the icy proto-moon
of sequestered life that was obtained from our very own moon?
Therefore, instead of further suggesting to your readers that we
should be looking and thus funding into the sorts of places that are
so gosh darn far away and thereby nearly if not entirely inaccessible
to humans, and certainly otherwise horrifically spendy and time
consuming even for robotics, it seems that another message could be
shared as to where our vast oceans most likely came from, and of the
vast numbers of extremely complex life within which needs another
honest look-see as to whatever an icy proto-moon could have easily
Are you and of your readers up for the task of an icy proto-moon or
that of Venus?
Of course, scientifically and probability wise there's been yet
another strong possibility that's entirely within the lines, that the
origin of our moon and Venus could have once upon a time been closely
related to one another.
Brad Guth