In message <> DevilsPGD
<> wrote:
> In message <> Associated Press News
> Wire <> wrote:
>> Police found cases of food, clothing and tools intended for hurricane
>> victims at the home of the chief administrative officer for a New
>> Orleans suburb, authorities said Wednesday.
>> Officers searched Cedric Floyd's home because of complaints that city
>> workers were helping themselves to donations for hurricane
>> victims. Floyd, who runs the day-to-day operations in the suburb of
>> Kenner, was in charge of distributing the goods.
>> Police plan to seek a charge of committing an illegal act as a public
>> official against Floyd, and more charges against other city workers
>> are possible, police Capt. Steve Caraway said.
> That seems like an odd reaction. Perhaps he should be airdropped just
> ahead of Rita and we'll call it even?
> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: If we wish to be consistent here, we
> need to remember all the looting in general which took place over
> several days there. And the 'city workers' who were helping themselves
> to the lately-given donations, etc were not doing much different,
> except perhaps it is okay to loot a store with merchandise for sale at
> a profit, but not okay to loot merchandise intended for give-away to
> the victims. Also recall, many of the city workers involved were also
> themselves victims and were entitled to the same help as the other
> victims were receiving. My thought would be since the city workers
> were staying on the job trying to assist the other victims, perhaps
> some 'professional courtesy' reciprocation should be allowed
> (i.e. they get first pick of the donations, etc just as they are
> getting the first pick of the temporary mobile homes as they become
> available.) Just don't get greedy about it or make a big issue of
> showing the other victims what is happening. PAT]
I'd add most of the looters who stole anything other then basic
essentials to the list.
However, in my mind there is a large difference between "looting to stay
alive" vs "looting from emergency supplies intended to keep others
If they were simply taking what was allocated to them as fellow
victims, the police wouldn't be involved.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: That is what I guess they will have to
try and detirmine; if the emphasis should be on the 'victims taking
needed food, etc' _or_ common variety looter. No one down there has
had things very easy in the past month. PAT]