mc wrote:
> I thought this (comp.dcom.telecom) was a moderated newsgroup.
It is, but it's not hard to get around the moderation requirement, due to a
flaw in the basic design of the NetNews Transfer Protocol.
And it's possible something just slipped through Pat's fingers; I moderate and occasionally the same thing happens to me.
Steve Sobol, Professional Geek 888-480-4638 PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website:
Personal blog, resume, portfolio:
E: Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: It did not come through _my_ inbox in
normal channels. If it had -- and I thought it had not been used in
many other newsgroups, I _might_ (not saying for sure either way) have
tidied it up some and used it here, because he did make a few good
points. I would have caught hell for doing so by the people who do not
seem to mind being off-topic as long as the off-topic sort of meets
their own agenda, but they sure give me a blast when it is off-topic
and not in their own agenda.
And Steve, I know you are running r.r.b. these days, so would you mind
talking to John Levine and the guy in Minnesota who is handling the web site about the problems he is/was having with the IP
address for ? He has written me a couple times to
note that when Bill Pfieffer passed away, the whole thing was left in
the care of Cindy (Bill's planned to be fiance), and that since that
time, apparently the web site has been improperly moved around. Thank
you very much, Steve. PAT]