Piracy Crackdown Spurs Shift in Onine File-Sharing |
![]() Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:01:56 -0500
By Adam Pasick
Traffic in the popular file-sharing network BitTorrent has fallen in
Popular movies like "Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith"
A study by the Cambridge-based Internet analysis firm CacheLogic found
It is the dominant peer-to-peer file-sharing network in South Korea,
"This is almost assuredly a result of the increased legal action
Last year, BitTorrent was consuming up to a third of the Internet's
The United States has also seen a surprising return to popularity of
"Gnutella was once seen as dead so may be off the radar" of the music
About 60 percent of the Internet's total bandwidth consists of P2P
In a precedent-setting ruling earlier this summer, the U.S. Supreme
But any hopes from Hollywood that the Grokster ruling would result in
"The Grokster case did not result in a rapid decline in P2P usage,"
Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited.
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