Online Scammers Pose as Company Executives in 'Spear-Phishing' |
![]() Wed, 17 Aug 2005 23:26:19 -0500
Online criminals trying to pry passwords and other sensitive information out of companies have started using phony e-mails to pose as powerful executives of the targeted organizations, experts said on Wednesday.
Known as "spear phishing," the technique is an ingenious wrinkle on
Businesses are typically reluctant to publicly disclose when they
Rather than posing as a bank or other online business, spear phishers
"It works wonderfully if you're a bad guy," said Allan Paller, chief
Unlike basic phishing attacks, which are sent out indiscriminately,
Spear phishing has emerged as one of several kinds of "targeted
Though such attacks are difficult to trace, many compromised machines
Spear phishing can be devastatingly effective even among employees who
At the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, several internal
"It's the colonel effect. Anyone with the rank of colonel or higher,
Cadets in more recent tests have been somewhat more likely to report
Employee education helps counteract the threat but these attacks
Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited.
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