Patrick Townson wrote:
> Eleven years ago in the Digest, we paid homage to an event which
> happened a quarter-century before that: American astronauts walking
> on the moon. Now it has been 36 years since that event which
> occupied our attention during the hot summer of July, 1969. The
> principal contributor to the Digest with a report on _his_ part
> in that historic event was Don Kimberlin ...
There are 2 anomalies with Kimberlin's story, as I read it.
(1) > Problem: Fragile Telecom Link
> What many people don't know is that it came very close being a
> failure. And at the very last moment, the last possible launch window
> for a lunar mission in the 1960's was almost missed.
If the July, 1969 flight of Apollo 11 was the "last possible launch
window for a lunar mission in the 1960's", then how did Apollo 12 take
place between 11/14/1969 and 11/24/1969 ?
(2) ... as well as numerous mentions of "NASA color video and sound
we were all observing from the moon". While there was indeed
capability for color video from the Command Module [at that point, in
orbit around the moon tens of miles overhead], the transmissions from
the Apollo 11 Lunar Module on the surface of the moon were monochrome.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: As I recall, what we saw on television
that night was entirely black and white. However, in the NASA archives
(reached via this report in our telecom archives) there are many color
photos of the same event; also you can see the certificate NASA awarded
Don Kimberlin for his part in the project. PAT]
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 00:58:34 GMT
From: Justa Lurker <>
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom
Subject: Re: Meaning of ABCD bits in T-1
Message-ID: <>
Organization: AT&T Worldnet
X-Telecom-Digest: Volume 24, Issue 326, Message 10 of 11
Lines: 22
Andrew Chalk wrote:
> Can anyone give me the "table" (or a URL to) of ABCD bit values in T1
> signalling. Everywhere I Googled refers to these but none give the
> meaning of each of the bit combinations. I'm particularly interested
> in "off-hook/onhook" states.
May be instructive and useful ...
P.S. ---- I know you said "T1", but just as FYI
has some good info on various flavors [or should I say, flavours :-)] of
E1 R2 signalling, and the accompanying signalling bits if anyone is