Again, Registry's mixup triggers bid to pull license
By Ralph Ranalli, Globe Staff
Nearly everyone has to share a name with someone, somewhere. David
Edward Greene just wishes his counterpart hadn't been such a nightmare
on the roadways.
For the third time in 10 years, Greene, who lives in Arlington, is
facing torment as his license comes due for renewal. The Registry of
Motor Vehicles has sent him notice that it is about to revoke his
license because of unresolved out-of-state driving offenses. That
means Greene, a driver with one ticket in 25 years, has to prove he is
not David Eugene Greene of Florida, who has the same birthdate but is
a convicted sex offender whose license was revoked for multiple drunk
driving arrests and court defaults.
Previously, Greene of Arlington has presented a range of documentation,
including a letter from Florida motor vehicle officials to prove he is
not a scofflaw from the Sunshine State. In the past, Massachusetts
officials eventually granted him a new license -- although once it
happened after he inadvertently drove for several weeks with a revoked
license, risking arrest and the impoundment of his car if he was
pulled over.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: This type of thing used to happen a lot
in Chicago, when the Cook County States Attorney would issue a warrant
for someone with a very common name. Now in recent years, when a
person (who is _NOT_ the wanted person) gets arrested and hassled,
they are permitted to apply for a boilerplate letter which announces
to one and all this particular [common name] is not wanted by law
enforcement _at this time_. And it gives a phone number to call for
verification. The common name person is 'encouraged' to carry this
letter in his possession (his wallet perhaps) at all times, and
present it to arresting officers, in the event of a mixup on his
social security number or other details. PAT]