Gladiator wrote:
> Hello: I have this problem with my telephone at home. For incoming
> calls, sometimes, it would ring once then disconnect the caller. I
> thought it was my phone, but I bought a new one, and it was the same
> thing.
> I called my telephone company, and the technician came and said that
> this could be due to wiring inside the building. So, the telephone
> company thinks it's not their responsibility.
> The strangest thing is, outgoing calls seem to be fine. I can dial
> outside w/o problems.
> Anyone seen this before?
Get a dog? :-)
I was pleasantly surprised that this old telco "shaggy-dog story" was
available online:
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I've got no problems with 'pissing and
moaning' but I happen to think that story -- and I have seen it many
times -- is a terrible way to treat any animal. I cannot recommend the
story, even if it is just an 'urban legend' as I suspect.
Some of you have asked what happened with Buffy, the female cattle dog
I had here. She learned how to jump over the fence :( and she ran off;
has not been seen since. She is a *big* dog and could put her front
paws on my four foot high wire fence around my yard. But she is also
very muscular (like many big dogs) and learned to use her front legs
to pull herself over the fence when she jumped in the air. I have sort
of mixed emotions about it. I did miss her a little -- this is the dog
which knocked me down on the sidewalk one day, skinning up my face and
chipping my tooth and causing me to bleed -- but I know she did not
mean it; now that she has been gone for more than a week I am almost
certain the Independence Animal Shelter got her, and I am not going to
take her back. She was just too much for me to try and deal with. PAT]