In article <>, Fred Atkinson
<> wrote:
> Nor was mine. I didn't imply any conclusion. But, who's to say what
> is impossible in this case? I'm simply saying that based upon what I
> have read, I believe there is some sort of a problem here. As I
> stated, the jury is still out on just how big of a problem this is.
NO, IT ISN'T. The jury is absolutely back in, and it is NOT a problem.
> What reliable research has been done to determine whether or not
> radiation from cell phones are the cause of any percentage of them?
> Even so, there's not nearly enough data (and there won't be for years
> to come) to draw any solid conclusions in either direction.
Wrong. It is CATEGORICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for radiation from a cellphone
to cause cellular mutation. The radio waves are simply too "fat" to
ever, in a billion years, cause one single cellular mutation. The
wavelength used by cellphones is on the order of 6 to 15 INCHES
(roughly 15 to 40 centimeters). That covers the range from 1900 to 800
MHz. You'd need to be well up into the Terahertz to get a short enough
wavelength to cause cellular mutation.
> When I hear a cell phone salesperson say there's no danger, he has no
> real basis for saying that.
No, in fact there is a substantial basis for saying that, because there
is no danger. Cellphones CANNOT cause cancer.
> So when you hear telecommunications people saying there's nothing
> wrong, you know that opinion is tainted whether it is true or not.
That's only true if the person speaking has a financial interest. I
don't happen to have any financial interest in cellphones. I own one,
but I don't even own stock in any companies that make or sell
cellphones, much less work for one.
The only effect that microwaves (the wavelength used by cellphones)
have on living tissue is to heat it. Your microwave oven probably puts
out about 600 watts. Your cellphone probably puts out maybe a couple
of watts at maximum power, and probably less than one watt in normal
use. True, you're not sticking your skull into the microwave while
it's operating, but still, it's a bit out of perspective to be so
worried about the radiation from cellphones. More to the point, you
will feel warmth from the microwaves if they are heating the tissue
inside your skull.
I am also always amazed by people who are concerned about cellphones
but don't bat an eye about using a cordless phone at home.
The radiation from a cellphone CANNOT cause cancer. It's not extremely
unlikely, it is literally impossible.
Linc Madison * San Francisco, California *
<> * primary e-mail: Telecom at LincMad dot com
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