TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Kicking the Avaya Habit

Re: Kicking the Avaya Habit
6 Dec 2004 08:45:37 -0800

Why did you wait so long between phone calls? After their first screw
up, I would have faxed the cancellation and then called 10 minutes
later to make sure they had the fax, and continued to call until they
confirmed receipt. I agree with PAT -- after a while the US mail
receipts become useful.

Why did you not escalate the problem? Ask for the A's or B's
supervisor. Ask for their supervisor. Call the office of the
president of Avaya and explain why you're gonna toss their equipment
and never purchase from them again. They are well aware of what I
call the IBM effect -- everyone bought IBM only because that's what
everyone else bought. (Recursive thinking? Of course, but that's the
CYA/risk minimizing mentality. Wonder why it took so long for UNIX to
take hold?)

Where is your copy of the first cancellation? Find it, refuse to pay
the bill and enclose copies of it with each refusal. Make them work
for their money. You certainly are, and you shouldn't give your
company's money away. Avaya is walking all over you, and you're
saying, Thank you sir, may I have another?

The world is full of bureaucrats who have forgotten what their job is
supposed to be about, and think that the important thing is to move
the documents from the in-basket to the out-basket. You need to
remind them what their job is about -- making sure that the documents
they are moving, which represent something important to you (and
should be equally important to them) are filled in correctly before
they are moved.

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