> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note:
> Earlier this year I went to
> Walmart to get something, and used my debit card to pay for it. When
> I got home I checked the computer and there were *three* identical
> charges instead of only one. I called and went back to Walmart, all
> they would say is 'not our problem, we did not swipe you three times,
> we only swiped you once. The problem got corrected in a couple days,
> but Walmart never admitted to any part of it. PAT]
It may genuinely not have been their problem. It sounds like
something that would happen in the bank's computers and then get
corrected there.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Yeah I had forgotten that computers are
never wrong and that human beings have to bend and flex to do what the
computer requires of them. The 'customer service' people at Walmart
absolutely worship the all-powerful, all-knowing computer system, and
every rule they insist their customers have to follow is in keeping
with the computer's terms. I said to Bob Donaldson at Walmart one day
'all the downtown stores have computers also but they can keep them
under control and make them do what they want. Why can't you? They
can deliver my stuff to my house, why can't you? They know my
name when I walk in the store and greet me and as needed walk to a
shelf and get what I want; when I walk in your store you have a camera
in the ceiling follow me all around the store. Why?' His only response
was 'we do what corporate tells us to do.' PAT]