Got it hooked up yesterday. Sound quality is pretty good for packet.
That being said I have one major complaint that has blossomed into two
The first is that my Trimline, 2702B and Celebrity phones won't work
the way they're supposed to. By that I mean they don't ring except for
one little ding of the bell. Hooking up my AT&T 1523 to the line gets
full electronic ring.
Now I read the specs for the Linksys router -- it says it supports 5
REN. A bell is 1 REN by default and it can't drive it? Something is
up there.
The spawned complaint is hold times for support. Excessive.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I agree sometimes the hold time when
calling Vonage is worse that it should be. I can also tell you that
as I have heard from others, Vonage is no longer using the Linksys
router for their adapter; too many other complaints including yours.
I have a Motorola adapter, which seems to do okay and one day in a
conversation with a Vonage rep we were talking about the (new for
them) Linksys router. I started with Vonage using the Cisco phone
adapter, switched over the Motorola since I have other Motorola
products here (Surfboard cable 'modem'), and asked the guy if I
should try the newest adapter they have, the Linksys. "Nah," he
said, "You don't want to mess with it. We've already had various
complaints on it, and I think they are going to stop shipping it
as well."
My suggestion is try your various (cluster of) phones one at a time
giving you one REN on the line at a time talking to the Linksys.
See if your two offending phones can at least work along with the
Linksys by themselves, i.e. adapter to one phone. If they can get
that far, then when they are on your internal network and act up
again, you may want to think about a possible problem with your
own network. Let us know how it works for you. PAT]