TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Extensive, Technical, Article About the Greek Phone Taps

Extensive, Technical, Article About the Greek Phone Taps

Danny Burstein (
Thu, 5 Jul 2007 23:38:17 EDT

Summary: A couple of years ago some of the techies discovered that
Vodafone's Greek cellular operations were being "wiretapped" to a very
extensive degree.

The "bad guys" used the Vodafone equivalent of a CALEA [a] entrance
point, and took extremely good steps to cover their tracks.

People that were bugged included the prime minister ...

Lots and lots of info:

[a] CALEA = Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

It basically orders most telcos (and plenty of similar providers) to
give law enforement types simple access and abilities to "wiretap" the

(in quotes because it's not really wires anymore).

Linkname: Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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