TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Vonage Finally Offers ACR

Vonage Finally Offers ACR

T (
Thu, 24 May 2007 07:19:52 -0400

I got the email this morning. Anonymous Call Rejection and Do Not
Disturb are now features of the Vonage package.

We subscribers had only been screaming about this for the past few
years. It's about time.

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: But it is important to note that
ACR (Anonymous Call Rejection) _only_ works if the caller specifically
punches in *67 before the number string (your number). If for any other
reason the number fails to be produced or a bogus number is given,
telco (the prime supplier for Vonage, after all) considers the number
to have not been withheld. If your caller ID refers to 'caller name
unknown' or a string of obviously bogus digits (like all ones or all
zeros, etc) claims the number was 'provided' and was not 'anonymous'.
Unless the caller specifically instructs the switch 'do not give this
information' ACR will _not_ work, at least not from a landline to
a Vonage phone. Now, I suppose if a Vonage customer is equipped to
diddle his number (as are most telemarkers and collection agencies)
then Vonage may or may not have the ability to deal with it as an ACR
type call. But if you are counting on ridding yourself of ACR calls
from telemarketers I think yours is a misplaced faith. Is Vonage using
*77 for ACR? What are they using for DND? PAT]

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