TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Cincinnati Bell and SNET (was Cingular & at&t)

Re: Cincinnati Bell and SNET (was Cingular & at&t)

John Levine (
14 May 2007 21:39:08 -0000

> So Cincinnati Bell is not owned by one of the "big" regional baby
> bells?

Right. It's traded on the NYSE as CBB, currently selling for about
$5.50 per share. The largest single owner is the Wells Fargo Bank
which owns 4.68%, I'm sure entirely on behalf of mutual fund and
investment clients.

> Who is "Broadwing"?

Nowadays it's part of Level 3, a largish wholesale Internet and long
distance provider. It used to be Cinci Bell's long distance and
Internet division. For a while, back when people were under the
mistaken impression that you could make a whole lot of money in
Internet and long distance (see Qwest and MCI for the dismal reality),
CBB used Broadwing as its corporate name. But they wised up and spat
Broadwing out.

> * The Pennsylvania Railroad once had a slogan "the standard railroad
> of the world". People mistook that to me it was heavilly
> standardized. What it actually meant was that the railroad was the
> leader, the "standard-bearer" of all other railroads.

Actually, it meant both. The Wikipedia article has good coverage of



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