TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: A Shameful Surrender to Pornographers

Re: A Shameful Surrender to Pornographers
1 May 2007 14:41:14 -0700

> 66% was "unwanted"? I'm sorry, but I've been surfing the 'net for as
> long as it's been around, and in my experience it's very difficult to
> accidently end up at a porn site. It's easy to find, sure. But if you
> get there, you probably wanted it.

It's not hard to accidently fall onto a porn site.

Many porn sites use a slight variation of a common website name, such
as to catch common typing mistakes. When a large organization uses
.gov or .org, a porn site might use the same name followed by .com .
Other porn sites disguise themselves as innocent in a Google search so
you try them.

The other points in this post are good.

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: A great example of this are web
visitors who go to (rather than the correct
version, PAT]

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