TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Comcast Bait and Switch, "Unlimited" Has a New Meaning

Re: Comcast Bait and Switch, "Unlimited" Has a New Meaning

Doug McIntyre (
10 Apr 2007 19:31:08 GMT

George Berger <> writes:
> A year ago, I called and asked for upgrade of our dial-up connection to
> broadband cable.

> I had already wired our home with a two-way splitter from the Comcast
> cable entry to our home (which, by the way, provided -- and still
> provides -- excellent TV reception). I used top-line Belden RG 59 cable
> for the 20' run to our top floor den where we have our computer.
> ...

FYI: RG-59 has an upper bandwidth pass of around 800-900MHz. Cable
companies have long been using RG-6 for their installations which has
an upper bandwidth pass up around 1.8Ghz.

I couldn't tell you what channels and ranges your cable company runs
their DOCSIS channels for cable modem bandwidth, but if your area
depends on channels beyond the 800MHz part, your RG-59 cable very well
could have had too much attenuation in the channel allocations needed
for their cable-modem setup.

Of course, this doesn't excuse the installation tech that couldn't do
basic troubleshooting, but it could very well have been your interior
wiring not being the proper type.

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