TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: Fred Phelps Fax Machine Antics

Re: Fred Phelps Fax Machine Antics

Linc Madison (
Wed, 04 Apr 2007 21:18:42 -0700

> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: I am afraid, William, this has gone
> far beyond the point of no-return. You see, the United States has a
> big problem with the First Amendment getting in the way.

There is no First Amendment issue. None at all. The content of the
faxes is immaterial; the simple fact is that the so-called "Reverend"
Phelps is committing harassment, and that is illegal.

Linc Madison * San Francisco, California * Telecom at Linc Mad d0t c0m
URL: < > * North American Area Codes & Splits
Read my political blog, "The Third Path"
US, California, and Washington State laws apply to LINCMAD.COM e-mail.

[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Apparently the church's legal
department (Phelps Chartered) has covered that angle pretty well.
They wait until YOU fax THEM or establish some sort of 'prior
relationship', in the same way that phone sales droids work. That's
why I suggest caution be taken by any Digest readers who feel a
need to Witness to these confused Christians. PAT]

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