TELECOM Digest Extra! Features
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It is funded entirely by sponsors and gifts from friends like you!
Patrick Townson, Editor
Your individual help is really needed! Please help
keep this service going. This site and TELECOM Digest are full-time for me,
and I have bills like everyone else.
Thank you!
The Digest is editorially independent of our sponsors.
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As you can well understand, the messages presented by others in the daily TD-Extra news are outside of our cntrol. Thanks!
Check These Daily Features:
Try looking at these web sites. Here you will
find, in one easy to reach location what I call The Best of the
Internet, a constantly updated -- some of them daily -- collection of news reports, both of general interest with national and international
importance from
Salon Magazine, The Christian Science Monitor Electronic Edition,
Atlantic Unbound, and other sources as well as reports of
specific interest to people involved in telecommunications. Instead
of surfing from one site to another seeking items of interest, now
you need only bookmark this one location where the top news stories
and reports from all the better web-based publications have been
assembled for your convenience.
Click on any image above to read the associated publication.
Read a quick news summary here if
you prefer, or TD Extra telecom news here.
And click here to read Gay News
Reports each day or here to read a daily GLBT newspaper.
Or, if you are looking for new friends of any caliber on the
internet, see these folks each day.Last Laugh! (wink!)
Here is your local weather forecast:
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TELECOM Digest is an electronic journal devoted mostly but not
exclusively to telecommunications topics. It is circulated anywhere
there is email, in addition to various telecom forums on a variety of
networks such as Compuserve and America On Line, Yahoo Groups, and
other forums. It is also gatewayed to Usenet where it appears as the
moderated newsgroup "comp.dcom.telecom".
TELECOM Digest is a not-for-profit, mostly non-commercial educational
service offered to the Internet by Patrick Townson. All the contents
of the Digest are compilation-copyrighted. You may reprint articles in
some other media on an occasional basis, but please attribute my work
and that of the original author.
TELECOM Digest and Telecom Archives are compilation-copyrighted by Patrick Townson, 1996-2004.
Production and archive facilities provided courtesy of
Laboratory for Computer Science
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Thank you, LCS!