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The Telecom Digest
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Image of Modern Desktop Phone
Copyright © 2023 E. William Horne. All Rights Reserved.
Volume 42 Table of Contents Issue 161
FCC Enforcement Monitor May 2023
Florida Adopts Changes To The Florida Telephone Solicitation Act
PG&E, other firms object to unlicensed 6 GHz operation
Message-ID: <> Date: 7 Jun 2023 14:08:55 -0400 From: "The Telecom Digest" <> Subject: FCC Enforcement Monitor May 2023 by Scott R. Flick and Adam J. Sandler Pillsbury's communications lawyers have published FCC Enforcement Monitor monthly since 1999 to inform our clients of notable FCC enforcement actions against FCC license holders and others. This month's issue includes:
  • LPFM Station Fined $15,000 for Airing Commercial Advertisements
  • FCC Issues Notices to the Landowners of Sixteen Pirate Radio Sites
  • Telecommunications Carrier Pays $227,200 To Resolve 911 Outage Investigation
Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Jun 2023 08:54:35 -0400 From: "The Telecom Digest" <> Subject: Florida Adopts Changes To The Florida Telephone Solicitation Act by Craig Gilley (Venable LLP) Last month, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law amendments to the Florida Telephone Solicitation Act (FTSA) that scale back the scope and reach of the statute, bringing it in line with federal TCPA standards and providing needed comfort to good faith marketing companies operating in Florida. Since the last statutory changes in July 2021, the FTSA has severely impacted telemarketing and text marketing businesses marketing to Florida residents and otherwise conducting business in the state. Like the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the FTSA prohibits using automated dialers to call or text consumers without their consent.
Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Jun 2023 11:28:11 -0400 From: "The Telecom Digest" <> Subject: PG&E, other firms object to unlicensed 6 GHz operation
This is from a document presented at the "FCC Office of Engineering & Technology Meeting," dated May 25, 2023. - Moderator
PG&E Concerns well documented on the Record:
  • Over 100 incumbents (including PG&E) have voiced concerns withUnlicensed Use of 6 GHz
  • Many concerns included technical analysis and papers showing basis forconcerns
  • 6 Real-World tests filed, all show impact to licensed microwave link’sFade Margin (FM)
    • Latest is FirstEnergy/EPRI testing and analysis showing 4 dB impact to FM from consumer deployed LPI APs at 2% penetration to total APs
    • Wi-Fi 7’s 320MHz channels will exacerbate the effect
  • Impact to FM increases annual unplanned outage time (see graph basedon TIA-10)
  • PG&E Operations would be significantly impacted at these levels ofinterference: Commissioned study of Impact vs Penetration
End of The Telecom Digest for Sat, 10 Jun, 2023
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