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The Telecom Digest
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

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Copyright © 2023 E. William Horne. All Rights Reserved.
Volume 42 Table of Contents Issue 143
Don't Look Twice, It's Alright — The FCC Pulls Back The Curtain On Section 214 Authorizations
Re: MA: High School to lock students' cell phones during school day
Re: Congress moves to preserve AM radio in cars
Message-ID: <> Date: 18 May 2023 13:04:24 -0400 From: "The Telecom Digest" <> Subject: Don't Look Twice, It's Alright — The FCC Pulls Back The Curtain On Section 214 Authorizations by Douglas Svor , Emily Dalessio and Ethan Lamb The FCC recently adopted two items that underscore the Commission's growing role in a quickly evolving national security regulatory framework: an Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking overhauling the regulatory framework for Section 214 authorization holders and applicants, as well as an "Enforcement Advisory" reminding operators of the risks of not disclosing certain transactions to the Commission.
Message-ID: <20230520194835.96FE5DDE4168@ary.qy> Date: 20 May 2023 15:48:35 -0400 From: "John Levine" <> Subject: Re: MA: High School to lock students' cell phones during school day It appears that Bill Horne <> said: > On Sat, May 20, 2023 at 03:08:19AM -0000, Jeff Jonas wrote: >>> Chicopee Comprehensive High to lock students’ cell phones during school day, joining Chicopee High >>> CHICOPEE – Comprehensive High School will soon be locking up >>> teenagers’ cell phones in magnetic pouches >> >> Umm, errr, yes, no, maybe? >> >> At first glance I agree that cellphones are abused and too distracting. >> But isn't the easier solution for the students >> to just not bring their cellphones to school at all? > > Heaven forfend! That’s Communist! That’s Un-Americun! More to the point, it's impractical. While I would think it was fine if the school told my daughter not to have her phone while she's at school, I would just as soon she did have it while walking there and back. Plenty of high school kids go directly from school to work and other places where it's OK to have a phone. R's, John
Message-ID: <20230521204500.A8B9EDDEEAF2@ary.qy> Date: 21 May 2023 16:45:00 -0400 From: "John Levine" <> Subject: Re: Congress moves to preserve AM radio in cars It appears that Garrett Wollman <> said: > And guess what? Your phone gets the same emergency alerts as the radio > stations do. That excuse simply doesn't hold water any more. I'm guessing you don't spend a lot of time driving around out in the boondocks. As soon as you get off main roads in a hilly area, cell signals are hit and miss. Here in not particularly rural upstate NY I can show you places on state highways where there's no cell signal at all. I expect western Mass is the same way.
End of The Telecom Digest for Tue, 23 May, 2023
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