Vision Airships Global Expansion!
Airships Inc. (PINKSHEETS: VPSN) - The company wishes to announce that
it has finalized arrangements for funding for its global expansion.
Check out the news and get on VPSN first thing Thursday!
I mean, why else would you? Remove the sanding dust with a tack cloth.
And I know this because I checked, like, a zillion different times in
a zillion different ways. Now I can access my Google Reader and play
with Google's other account-access toys without having to run extra
browsers and get IE slime all over the place. Steps: Carefully study
the hole. All is not perfect with this unusual shrub though.
Make sure the frame is clean, dry, and well sanded. A taggable desktop
is my pony. Confronting new ideas without sufficient preparation can
be dangerous! Hey Google -- why can't you fix this? On every block
there is a different bar with a different band, packed with kids
dancing and generally getting smashed. It's a license to be a
busybody. Thankfully mirrors open up a world of unrealized space,
that's something to reflect on when you're decorating. Not only will
you get a more realistic road crew experience, but you'll also find
the asphalt easier to work with when it's warm and soft.
I learned about the joys of asphalt repair when I was growing up in
small-town Ontario.
Step Two -- Fill That Baby Dump enough bitumen into the hole to reach
half an inch higher than the surrounding driveway surface. And since
there is no actual way to get past the Google Help house o'mirrors to
talk to a real person, I've basically been pulling my hair out over
These holes give homes a messy feeling, especially if they're at eye
level. My Dad would call the town to report a pothole in front of our
place. I have that dream too. Two that are burned in my memory are
'Country Dancer' and 'Carefree Beauty'.
So my question is, would we die anyway, or is the process of reviewing
ghastly repairs the actual cause of death? Hang the mirror as required
then add a wood block behind the frame at the top of the mirror --
forcing it to angle downwards. In July it puffs out with the most
amazing pink flowers, like a confection from the CNE midway.
But while you're driving over it, at least make the sound of a
The real mission of this trip was to attend a jazz festival and hear the
incomparable Herbie Hancock.
I learned about the joys of asphalt repair when I was growing up in
small-town Ontario. The wheel never lies.
[TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: So you have learned, as have many of us
that there is no such thing as a 'customer service' phone number at
Google. Look all through their pages, and check out the limited number
of 'contact us' entries shown; _very few_ of them have any phone
number shown. And if you try boldly just calling directory assistance
for that area in California you _can_ get a switchboard or general
number for Google, but the people who man that line screen _all
callers_ very closely, and keep insisting that you check out the
online help pages, many of which are almost meaningless. Meaningless,
that is, unless you wish to read about how you can be a Google
'partner' and the best way to organize your files to optimize your
profits. Basically, all you can do is just keep reading and
reviewing their 'help' files. I wish someone would provide me with
a phone number (I should be so lucky if it was an 800 number) where
a real, live, experienced person could look up your files and make
simple changes. PAT]